As our fan base is aware, Vida Spas donate $22 from every Mindful Massage
to help support the BC Epilepsy Society. Thousands of dollars have been
raised to date and thanks to our mindful clients.
On February 7th, Vida was one of many to sponsor and support
the I’m Still Standing fundraiser event, affording the BC Epilepsy Society
funds to hire psychologists and other professionals to support mental wellness
for individuals living with epilepsy and their families.
Our thank you goes out to our partners: The Fairmont Chateau Whistler,
The Westin Bayshore Hotel Vancouver and The Sutton Place Hotel Vancouver
for their generous donation of room nights. Additional thanks goes out to
Dermalogica skin care for donating a generous gift basket of products and
to the Tabletop Restaurant group for their generous restaurant gift card
donations throughout Whistler and Vancouver.
With an overwhelmingly positive 400 in attendance,
the event proved to be a success raising $900,000!
Vida Spas will continue to support the BC Epilepsy Society,
bringing both funding and education forward.
We are mindful in everything we do.